Respirator User Training

All people involved in the selection, use, storage and maintenance (if required) of RPE require training

Everything should be done to firstly eliminate hazards, reduce them and control them.  However there is a lot of situations where it is impossible or prohibitive to reduce exposure to an acceptable level and Respiratory Protection Equipment (RPE) is required.  RPE albeit the last control we consider (last line of defence), is a valid control measure but employees need to be involved in RPE selection and trained to ensure the RPE is used correctly.

Face Fit Safety provide

  • Reusable Half Mask User Training
  • Full Face Mask User Training
  • Powered Loose Fitting RPE Training
  • Self Contained Breathing Apparatus Training

Course Contents cover*
*content will vary depending on course

  • Why is RPE required
  • Relevant Health and Safety Law (including hierarchy of control)
  • Hazards and risk of exposure
  • Resistance to wearing RPE
  • When you need to wear RPE
  • Selecting suitable RPE
  • Facial Hair
  • Effects of facial Hair
  • Face Fit Testing
  • Filter Selection and Life
  • Pre Use Checks
  • Correct Donning
  • Doffing and Cleaning
  • Inspections and Maintenance
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