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HSE and Fit2Fit position on the provision of Face Fit Training via online delivery

Face Fit Safety have only delivered training in person during the pandemic, as we feel that training needs to be in person due to the practical requirement, and therefore the most suitable training environment is a classroom.

A competent face fit test can be observed, and delegates can be coached and observed to ensure they conduct the face fit test correctly.  Delegates observe and are taught the required control measures to reduce the risk of spreading covid-19 during the face fit testing process.

This approach has been fully endorsed by the HSE and fit2fit, who have publically stated that online training should be stopped (by any providers who have been conducting online training), and training should return to in-person to ensure the quality of training. Read the statement below.

In order to assure the quality of face fit training the HSE and Fit2Fit strongly encourage a return to in-person face -fit training where possible. Most coronavirus restrictions brought in to address the COVID 19 pandemic have now been removed; online training to face fit test may haved been a pragmatic solution earlier in the pandemic which is no longer required. The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH), Approved Code of Practice (COSHH ACOP [L5]) states at 266; ‘Training should include elements of theory as well as practice’. HSE would suggest that online training courses may not be able to meet this key requirement as the trainer may be unable to effectively determine that the fit testing equipment has been used correctly, and therefore that the fit test has been carried out in line with the requirements of guidance.

As most coronavirus restrictions have now been removed, and so that the capability of the student can be properly evidenced, HSE strongly recommends that the practical elements of face fitting courses are delivered in person, rather than online.

HSE has provided guidance on how face fit testing can take place safely during the pandemic, thereby meeting the requirements of COSHH, and provided government guidelines for working safely during COVID-19 are followed, including appropriate social distancing when possible, cleaning, hygiene, ventilation, pre-course participant COVID-19 checks of good health, and any other precautionary measures identified as part of a risk assessment, training and fit testing should be able to be undertaken safely in person.

Accessing this information, and the latest advice on keeping workplaces safe, will help those delivering training to assess the risks and continue to reduce COVID-19 transmission, whilst delivering in person training.

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